
Introducing two products into the ritual of sex to prolong its intimacy while cleaning up. 

The Zen Method, Minimalistic Design, Scenarios & Collages, Explorative Prototyping, Rendering.

During sexual activities a warm and intimate bubble has been created, shared by its participants. All of a sudden the shared moment becomes an individual one again when it is time to clean yourself up. Something has to be found to clean yourselves up, resulting in a physical and a mental distance. The goal of this project was to continue the feelings of warmth and intimacy while cleaning up after sexual activities.  

Two products are introduced to extend the intimate world that has been created by being intimate. One to provide clean cloths and another product that will take care of the used wipes. Both being placed on the other side of the bed to create separation of these tasks. Meaning both bedpartners are responsible for doing something for the other. The appearance of the products are kept discreet to not confront everybody that walks into your room with your sex life. But during the ritual the objects create a gentle ambience in the space, while keeping the physical connections of the users as the main focus.


  • The execution of this project without any user research caused me to rely upon my own intuitions and experiences. Making me the designer the center of the design process. This deliberate positioning made me reflect on the influence we as designers have on a project.
  • I was happy and passionate towards the creation of the concept. As soon as the detailing phase entered these feelings changed from desire to necessity. In retrospect my strength and interest lies in the beginning of a design project.


This project would not have the same outcome without the guidance of my coach Eliza Noordhoek and inspiring works of fellow students in this course.

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