Recolor the
dominant truth

Work oriented interventions to uncover manifestations of racism. 

Qualitative and quantitative context exploration, Creative sessions, user interviews, Prototyping (P5, Adobe XD) and Usability Testing. 

This graduation project was initiated in response to the thousands of people gathering in the summer of 2020 screaming racism is unacceptable. Together with Kevin de Randamie’s activities to extend impact beyond demonstrations and media attention a project was born to explore how white people can break with their own (invisible) reproductions of manifestations of racisms.    

REcolor is a consecutive three step process that uncovers manifestations of racism within work related situations. By making these manifestations visible the distinctive steps facilitate employees to broach manifestations of racism in social interactions in order to adjust their behaviour regarding.


  • To reflect upon the influence of my privileges during a project.
  • To interview and talk about an uncomfortable topic for many. 
  • To analyse a wicked problem resulting in insightful visualisations. 


Even though this was an individual project I can not only thank myself for its success. The guidance of Bregje van Eekelen, Paul Hekkert and Kevin de Randamie kept me on track with their critical questions while their knowledge, ideas and eagle eye have taken this project to a higher level.

Hi there!


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