About me

Or well at least about my professional side.

My past experiences

For the past seven years I have studied at the Delft University of Technology. It all started with the bachelors of Industrial Design Engineering in which I learned about the human, business and technological sides of design. During these first three years my preference grew towards the human aspect of design. After my bachelors I wanted to continue this trend which led me to pursue the master of Design for Interaction. 


The master provided me with the skills to conduct methodological research to analyse and understand the impact of a product. This impact can hide within a micro level of an interaction, take for example a small tangible button or on a meta level a broad concept like societal behavior. As a result of researching these different levels, insights are taken into account to create / improve a product or service. The cycle between research and design continues until there is a validated foundation for a product / service, or a set of improvements that are ready for implementation. 

My desired future experiences

I am searching for a junior position at a company that strives for meaningful impact within society. With a team that is not afraid to reflect and learn about the effects projects evoke in order to work towards an envisioned future. In which I am stimulated to develop my skills to research multiple levels of stakeholders while gaining experience to translate the insights into a suitable output.

Joyful experiences during projects

Unforeseen interactions during user tests.

Untangling complex (societal) problems by organizing and visualizing information.

Translating gained knowledge into concepts directions together with a team.

Redesign of the IKEA self-scan check-outs.
Recolor the dominant truth
Unexpected happiness by Blip

My preferred experiences unrelated to work

If you would ask me about my hobbies I would probably tell you all about food. I like how it can express my warmth towards others, while showing off new recipes or making sure I can offer some homemade sweets. Besides thinking about food, I worry about the houseplants. The latest addition is an Alocasia Portodora for which I am still exploring the right care. If you have any tips, feel free to shoot me an email.

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Cup of tea?


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